Each article submitted to Dimensi will be selected first by the editorial board. At this stage, the editorial board will judge based on the research topic and the suitability of the writing with the template. If it is declared "feasible," then the next process is sending the article to the reviewer. The review process is a double-blind peer review, meaning reviewers and authors do not know each other. The number of reviewers involved is two (2) reviewers per article. Reviewers judge based on the content, suitability of material with the journal, and the references used. The assessment using the form provided at OJS, or the reviewer can comment on the article. The review process takes two (2) weeks.
Recruitment of reviewers is conducted openly from inside and outside ITSNU PASURUAN. Recruitment considers the suitability of the field and expertise of reviewers, has a reputation, and has written articles in international journals.